Honey Edition Lineup

Da Matteo 🇸🇪
Origin: Costa Rica
Roast Type: Filter
Region: Tarrazú
Variety: Caturra & Catuai
Altitude: 1800m
Da Matteo
When da Matteo began roasting in 2007 the micro-roastery movement was just taking off in Sweden and today they continue to be a leader within the specialty coffee community. Our love for their coffee started as far back as 2015 and you can imagine how excited we were to find a delicious Costa Rica in their coffee range as a rare white honey process!
> Watch 'Brew & Chat' IG livestream w/Da Matteo
> Watch 'Meet the Producer' IG livestream with Luis & Ally Coffee

Farmhand Coffee 🇮🇪
Origin: Costa Rica
Roast Type: Filter
Region: Tarrazu
Variety: Catuai
Altitude: 1500-1600m
Farmhand, based in the heart of Dublin, are working only with ethically sourced specialty beans because “We believe that the best cup of coffee starts with the coffee plant. This mysterious variety is our bread and butter just like it is for another 125 million families around the coffee belt.” They are our latest discovery and I’m thrilled to be introducing them to you!

Red Bank Coffee Roasters 🇬🇧
Origin: Mexico
Roast Type: Filter
Region: Oaxaca
Variety: Gesha
Altitude: 1550-1700m
Red Bank Coffee Roasters
In 2007 Tom Prestwich working as a lawyer in London had a cup of single-origin coffee that blew his mind so much that “this moment sparked an interest that would eventually see me quit my job, move to the Lake District and set up my own roastery.” This led to the creation of Red Bank Coffee Roasters…and that led to us finding their beautiful geisha red honey coffee!

Nomad 🇪🇸
Origin: El Salvador
Roast Type: Filter
Process: Black Honey Anaerobic
Variety: Hybrid Mix
Altitude: 1200-1500m
What started out as a coffee cart in London in 2011 became an internationally renowned coffee roaster today, but Nomad Coffee’s philosophy has remained the same: ‘Proximity, respect for the producer and careful attention to detail throughout the production chain.’ We’ve known how amazing they are since we visited their cafe way back in 2015!