Scotland has been nurturing a unique coffee community

Today Scottish specialty coffee is starting to make a real impact on the global scene which reflects the country's growing coffee culture. Since Covid there have been a significant increase in roasteries opening especially in the capital of Edinburgh and in Glasgow. In fact Glasgow Coffee Festival just hit its 10th anniversary in May and has been showcasing a growing Scottish specialty coffee scene. Scotland's specialty coffee scene is buzzing with creativity, with passionate roasters striving to showcase their exceptional coffees.

Cult Coffee Roasters

(Edinburgh, Scotland)

Cult Coffee Roasters, a cafe & roastery based in Edinburgh the capital of Scotland, has been embodying a culture of enjoyment, inclusivity, and collaboration since 2014. These principles extend to their roasting, where they procure top-notch seasonal coffees to share with their community in Scotland and beyond. Their goal is to exhibit the diversity of specialty coffee by sourcing some of the finest coffees globally, collaborating with premier specialty cafes, and curating coffee experiences for coffee enthusiasts.

At the Glasgow Coffee Festival in May 2024 Cult won 1st prize at ‘Roast Hero’, an event where 10 other Scottish roasters competed. We’re delighted to be including one of their showpiece coffees, a superb Peruvian pink bourbon from their ‘Special Release’ series.

Ebert Huaman (Special Release)

Guava, Passionfruit, Prune,
Honey, Black Tea

Origin: Peru
Roast Type: Filter
Region: Cajamarca, Salinas
Process: Extended Ferment Anaerobic Washed
Variety: Pink Borbon
Altitude: 1850m

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Ebert Huaman is a dedicated coffee producer from Salinas, Peru. He gained recognition for his coffee quality, ranking 6th in Expo Cajamarca 2022 and 18th in Cup of Excellence 2023. Ebert leads Finca Artemira, a family operation for over 40 years. They cultivate various coffee varietals and crops, practising regenerative agriculture and experimenting with cultivation techniques. Ebert and family prioritise sustainable farming, focusing on agroforestry, soil regeneration, and biodiversity avoiding synthetic inputs, they have a focus on education, and community stewardship.

For all of the higher quality and finer coffees that they produce at Finca Artemira, they undergo a specific process which they have honed over the years and all washed coffees go through an anaerobic, double fermentation.

Spaceboy Coffee

(Edinburgh, Scotland)

Spaceboy was founded by award-winning coffee roaster Finn Mclean in 2021. Finn became infatuated with specialty coffee during trips to New Zealand and the West Coast of America in 2014. A chemist by training, he saw potential in manipulating the chemical reactions which occur during coffee roasting, in order to better harness the flavour profiles of coffees.

The heart of any coffee roastery is the roasting machine and Spaceboy’s roaster was actually built by hand as a project that came to fruition in spring 2021 by Finn himself. Although Finn now uses a much larger roaster for their main coffee production, he still uses the hand made small roaster when roasting very special coffees to control the tiny details - including the amazing Colombian geisha in this set!

Villa Betulia Geisha (Rare & experimental)

Nectarine, Lemongrass, Strawberry Coulis

Origin: Colombia
Roast Type: Filter
Region: Acevedo, Huila
Process: Natural 200 hours
Variety: Geisha
Producer: Luis Anibal Caledron

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Luis Anibal Caledron is a legendary, second generation coffee producer from Acevedo, Huila. He was one of the first farmers in Huila to start producing high end microlots, harnessing alternative processing methods such as extended fermentation.

This Geisha lot showcases his meticulous processing at its very best, the cherries were first exposed to aerobic fermentation for 24 hours, before being placed in airtight bags at 22 degrees C for 200 hours, and finally dried on raised beds (naturally processed). These stages of fermentation lead to an incredibly complex and flavoursome cup, tasting of sweet strawberry coulis, ripe nectarine, with a delicacy in the finish reminiscent of lemongrass.

Spaceboy's V60 recipe

Dose: 12g - 250ml
Grind size: Medium fine grind (20-21 clicks on Comandante)
Water temp: 93°C
Total brew time: 2:30-3:30 minutes

Pour 1: 0:25s bloom (40ml pour done in14s =3.3ml/s)
Pour 2: 0:25 - 1min (150ml (=3ml/s))
Pour 3: 1:10-1:50 (250ml) (2.5ml/s)
Drawdown 2:10

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Obadiah Coffee

(Edinburgh, Scotland)

Obadiah was established by Sam Young, who started his roasting journey at Five Senses Coffee, one of the earliest and largest specialty coffee companies in Australia. In 2017, he went on to set up his own roastery on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Obadiah has come out stronger and more focused, supported by a small team of passionate coffee professionals who assist Sam and his partner Alice in sourcing and roasting exceptional coffees, often from unique origins.

Today, Obadiah has become one of the most renowned Scottish roasteries globally, with their stylish designs gracing cafe shelves worldwide. Their presence is instrumental in reshaping the coffee culture within the country. Kerinci we have this month is hands down one of the finest Indonesian coffee we've ever tasted!


Cherry, Port, Dark Chocolate

Origin: Indonesia
Roast Type: Filter
Region: Sumatra
Process: Natural
Variety: Andung Sari & Sigarar Utang
Altitude: 1400-1700m

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The Koerintji Barokah Bersama Cooperative is made up of over 320 members who reside and farm on the side of Mount Kerinci. Under the guidance of Triyono, who manages the cooperative, the members are guided in the innovative processing of their own coffee.

This area is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, which has 452 volcanoes over a 40,000km stretch. The area's rich volcanic soil, created by past eruptions, has nurtured vegetation, making it excellent for farming coffee.

The cherries are handpicked, usually by the immediate family. This lot has undergone a natural process, with cherry being sorted before drying on raised beds. The beds are located in domes to protect the coffee from harsh sunlight and rain. When dry, the harvest is milled and sorted by hand.


(Glasgow, Scotland)

Glasgow has been a hot spot for specialty coffee shops for quite a bit and Zennor is one of the newest addition to the city’s vibrant & modern coffee scene. Founded in 2021 by couple Kieran & Sophie, originally from the north of Cornwall, Zennor found their home in the former East Coffee Company before their relocation and currently have 2 cafes as well as the roasting space.

At Zennor they focus sourcing and roasting the best coffee from around the world with seasonality playing a key factor. Alongside their single origins Zennor offers rare & experimental competition-worthy coffees using cutting-edge processing techniques to keep their ‘fussy’ customers pleased. The Colombia natural in our set showcases exactly what they do best - Lively funky aroma but with a surprisingly clean & delicate taste!

Jonathan Gasca (Rare & experimental)

Tropical Fruits, Cranberries

Origin: Colombia
Roast Type: Filter
Region: Bruselas, Huila
Process: Natural
Variety: Colombia
Altitude: 1540m
Farm: Bella Vista

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Jonathan Gasca was born in the department with the highest coffee production in Colombia, Pitalito, located in Huila, Colombia. His grandparents and parents were always dedicated to coffee farming but they planted, harvested and sold coffee to those who paid the most - they were dedicated to producing quantity, not quality.

By 2008, the subject of specialized coffee was something new, and together with his uncle and brother, they began to carry out the first tests of planting special coffee in a plot that their father had given them. Lasso family has been their great motivation, who are friends well known for their excellent specialty coffees, they have been an example for Jonathan to follow and he is excited to be able to reach the level of his coffees.

Zennor's Kalita Recipe

Dose: 15g - 250ml
Grind size: Medium (510 microns, 23 clicks on Comanadante)
Water temp: 89°C

4 pour - 30 second intervals
2.30 brew time
1.3-1.4 tds

Grind size: 510 microns

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